Dear all,
I am using surun since many years and really like the way to get su privileges.
Under Windows 10 I investigated some troubles over the years, and I am not sure, wether I made something wrong,
First of all thanks to Kay for this wonderful piece of software!!!
Everything works like expected!
Sometimes, whithout any real corelation, there seems to be a timeout caused by surun.
Possible timeout scenarios:
a) Run surun/setup as a surun-user: desktop blures, but hangs with message "no repsonse, could be caused by HIPS (host intrustion protection sofware)
b) Connect to files server over VPN (OpenVPN): sometimes connection just hangs, but will work after 5-10 seconds. This behavior is not reproducable...
Anyone else having similar problems? How did you solve it?
I add my config in the next post.
Thanks, Markus